51 research outputs found

    Pristopi k učenju pri Ŕtudentih tehnike. Družbene in tehnoloŔke spremembe zahtevajo spremenjeno učenje

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    Avtorja v prispevku obravnavata razlicna pojmovanja ucenja, ki pomembno vplivajo na pristop k ucenju. v raziskavi 0 pristopih ucenja pri studentih tehnike odkrivata, da njihova pojmovanja pogojujejo tudi pristope k ucenju. Odkrivata, da sta najpogostejsa pristop k ucenju v smislu reprodukcije in globinski pristop. Poudarita, da je treba vee pozornosti namenjati globinskemu pristopu k ucenju, sa} morajo studenti tehnike poleg strokovnih znanj razviti tudi druge kompetence, kot sta komunikacijska in vodstvena kompetenca

    Flipped learning as a way of designing innovative learning environment: the importance of a thorough introduction, gradual implementation and in-depthevaluation of innovation

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    U članku se raspravlja o definiciji i značenju didaktičke inovacije u kontekstu suvremenoga inovativnog okruženja za učenje. Fokus je na inovacijama koje potiču poučavanje usmjereno na učenika, a među njima naglasak je na obrnutom učenju. Prikazana je terminologija i koncept obrnutoga učenja, njegove prednosti i ograničenja. U radu je prikazana i kvalitativna studija koja ilustrira stavove učitelja i učenika koji imaju iskustva s obrnutim učenjem. Postavili smo tri istraživačka pitanja koja su povezana s uvođenjem, provedbom i procjenom ove inovacije. Sudionici istraživanja prepoznali su tri glavne prednosti obrnutoga učenja: učeničku kognitivnu aktivnost, kreativnost učenika i priliku da se diferencira i individualizira nastava. Identificirana su tri faktora koji utječu na učinkovitost obrnutoga učenja: 1) učiteljeve kvalifikacije za inovacije, 2) učeničko aktivno sudjelovanje pomoću uvoda, postupne provedbe i kolektivne evaluacije inovacije i 3) kolegijalna podrÅ”ka. Vjerujemo da ako učitelj učenicima temeljito predstavi obrnuto učenje, pažljivo i postupno ga provodi te ga ocjenjuje dubinski, ono može imati važan utjecaj na projektiranje poticajnoga i inovativnoga okruženja za učenje.The contribution deals with the definition and the meaning of didactical innovation of instruction in the context of contemporary innovative learning environment. The focus is on innovations that facilitate student-centred instruction and among those innovations, flipped learning is highlighted. The terminology and the concept of flipped learning is presented, as well as its advantages and its limitations. The paper also presents a qualitative study which illustrates the views of a teacher and a student who both have experience with flipped learning. We posed three research questions regarding introduction, implementation and evaluation of this innovation. The participants of the research have recognized the three main advantages of flipped learning: student cognitive activity, student creativity and an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction. Three factors that influence the effectiveness of flipped learning were identified: 1) teacherā€™s qualification for innovation, 2) studentsā€™ active participation ā€“ a thorough introduction, gradual implementation and collective evaluation of the innovation, and 3) collegial support. We believe that if the teacher presents flipped learning to the students thoroughly, implements it thoughtfully and gradually and evaluates it in-depth, it can have an important effect on designing a supportive and innovative learning environment

    Vključenost vzgojiteljev predŔolskih otrok v informalno učenje kot pomemben dejavnik njihovega profesionalnega razvoja

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    Every preschool teacherā€™s activity results in changes in the preschool teacher as well as in the practice. In situations where we have a limited number and form of professional training offered to preschool teachers, whose attendance is not always subject to the personal plan of preschool teachersā€™ professional development, informal learning adds great value to teacher development. This paper aims to examine the involvement of preschool teachers in certain forms of informal learning and their reflection on the impact these forms have on their professional development. The empirical part of the paper presents the results of a survey conducted among preschool teachers. 110 preschool teachers from the Republic of Croatia responded to the questionnaire and we got answers to two research questions. The results show that preschool teachers are most often involved in a form of informal learning which includes agreeing on how to work with a colleague from the group and documenting the childrenā€™s activities.Vsaka aktivnost vzgojiteljev predÅ”olskih otrok spreminja tako posameznega vzgojitelja kot prakso v vrtcu. V razmerah, ko smo omejeni tako pri Å”tevilu kot obliki strokovnih usposabljanj predÅ”olskih vzgojiteljev, katerih udeležba v njih tudi ni vedno odvisna od osebnega načrta poklicnega razvoja vzgojiteljev v vrtcu, ima informalno učenje velik pomen za razvoj vzgojiteljev. Namen prispevka je raziskati vključenost vzgojiteljev predÅ”olskih otrok v nekatere oblike informalnega učenja in njihov razmislek o vplivu teh oblik na njihov profesionalni razvoj. V empiričnem delu prispevka so predstavljeni rezultati ankete med 110 vzgojitelji predÅ”olskih otrok v Republiki HrvaÅ”ki. Na podlagi vpraÅ”alnika smo dobili odgovore na dve raziskovalni vpraÅ”anji. Rezultati kažejo, da so predÅ”olski vzgojitelji najpogosteje vključeni v informalno učenje, ki zajema dogovor o tem, kako sodelovati s kolegom iz skupine, in dokumentiranje otrokovih dejavnosti

    Profesionalni razvoj vzgojiteljev z vidika vzgojiteljevih pojmovanj

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    Continuous professional learning of preschool teachers today is no longer the choice of individual enthusiasts, but a necessity and a professional duty of every preschool teacher. Professional development of preschool teachers in the broadest sense means the process passing from the individualā€™s decision of a profession or from the beginning of training to retire. In a narrower sense, the professional development of preschool teachers is limited to the period of ā€œcritical situationā€, during which the individual actually professionally develops - changing his or her perceptions, attitudes, and practices of action. Researching professional development, we distinguish different approaches. Some researchers focus on the research phase that affects professional development, while others are more interested in exploring the factors that influence development, while still others place greater emphasis on the forms of vocational learning. The educatorsā€™ adherence to professional learning to the extent of exploiting the opportunities of formal learning or to the extent to which they learn from daily experience depends significantly on these educatorsā€™ understanding of professional development. In this paper, we present the results of empirical research that was conducted on a sample of 92 preschool teachers in Croatia. We were interested in how preschool teachers though about their own professional development and whether or not their perceptions changed over the years of work. We found that lower conceptions of professional development are prevailing. The finding is important for all who are engaged in promoting professional development and it is reasonable to consider both the design and the implementation of educational programs.Nenehno poklicno učenje vzgojiteljev danes ni več izbira posameznih entuziastov, temveč nujnost in poklicna dolžnost slehernega vzgojitelja. Profesionalni razvoj vzgojiteljev v Å”irÅ”em smislu pomeni proces, ki poteka od odločitve posameznika za ta poklic oziroma od začetka izobraževanja zanj do upokojitve. V ožjem smislu pa je profesionalni razvoj vzgojitelja omejen na obdobja oziroma Ā»kritične situacijeĀ«, v katerih se posameznik dejansko profesionalno razvija ā€“ spreminja svoja pojmovanja, staliŔča ter prakso delovanja. Pri raziskovanju profesionalnega razvoja razlikujemo različne pristope. Nekateri raziskovalci se usmerijo v raziskovanje faz, po katerih poteka profesionalni razvoj, druge bolj zanima raziskovanje dejavnikov, ki vpliva na razvoj, tretji dajo večjo težo oblikam poklicnega učenja. Kako vzgojitelji pristopijo k profesionalnemu učenju, koliko izkoristijo ponujene formalne priložnosti učenja oziroma koliko se učijo iz vsakodnevnih izkuÅ”enj, je pomembno odvisno tudi od njihovega razumevanja profesionalnega razvoja. V prispevku prikazujemo rezultate empirične raziskave, ki je bila narejena na vzorcu 92 vzgojiteljev na HrvaÅ”kem. Zanimalo nas je, kako vzgojitelji pojmujejo lasten profesionalni razvoj in ali se njihova pojmovanja spreminjajo z leti delovne dobe. Ugotovili smo, da prevladujejo nižja pojmovanja profesionalnega razvoja. Ugotovitev je pomembna za vse, ki se ukvarjajo s spodbujanjem profesionalnega razvoja, in jo je smiselno upoÅ”tevati tako pri načrtovanju kot pri izvajanju izobraževalnih programov

    Flipped learning as a way of designing innovative learning environment: the importance of a thorough introduction, gradual implementation and in-depthevaluation of innovation

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    U članku se raspravlja o definiciji i značenju didaktičke inovacije u kontekstu suvremenoga inovativnog okruženja za učenje. Fokus je na inovacijama koje potiču poučavanje usmjereno na učenika, a među njima naglasak je na obrnutom učenju. Prikazana je terminologija i koncept obrnutoga učenja, njegove prednosti i ograničenja. U radu je prikazana i kvalitativna studija koja ilustrira stavove učitelja i učenika koji imaju iskustva s obrnutim učenjem. Postavili smo tri istraživačka pitanja koja su povezana s uvođenjem, provedbom i procjenom ove inovacije. Sudionici istraživanja prepoznali su tri glavne prednosti obrnutoga učenja: učeničku kognitivnu aktivnost, kreativnost učenika i priliku da se diferencira i individualizira nastava. Identificirana su tri faktora koji utječu na učinkovitost obrnutoga učenja: 1) učiteljeve kvalifikacije za inovacije, 2) učeničko aktivno sudjelovanje pomoću uvoda, postupne provedbe i kolektivne evaluacije inovacije i 3) kolegijalna podrÅ”ka. Vjerujemo da ako učitelj učenicima temeljito predstavi obrnuto učenje, pažljivo i postupno ga provodi te ga ocjenjuje dubinski, ono može imati važan utjecaj na projektiranje poticajnoga i inovativnoga okruženja za učenje.The contribution deals with the definition and the meaning of didactical innovation of instruction in the context of contemporary innovative learning environment. The focus is on innovations that facilitate student-centred instruction and among those innovations, flipped learning is highlighted. The terminology and the concept of flipped learning is presented, as well as its advantages and its limitations. The paper also presents a qualitative study which illustrates the views of a teacher and a student who both have experience with flipped learning. We posed three research questions regarding introduction, implementation and evaluation of this innovation. The participants of the research have recognized the three main advantages of flipped learning: student cognitive activity, student creativity and an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction. Three factors that influence the effectiveness of flipped learning were identified: 1) teacherā€™s qualification for innovation, 2) studentsā€™ active participation ā€“ a thorough introduction, gradual implementation and collective evaluation of the innovation, and 3) collegial support. We believe that if the teacher presents flipped learning to the students thoroughly, implements it thoughtfully and gradually and evaluates it in-depth, it can have an important effect on designing a supportive and innovative learning environment

    Utjecaj diferencijacijskog modela u nastavi matematike na postignuća učenika s obzirom na vanjsko i unutarnje vrednovanje znanja

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    We present a study in which we consider whether the learners, who had mathematics instruction in the 9th grade of primary school in heterogeneous groups, significantly differed in their mathematics achievements measured by using the external and internal assessment of knowledge from the learners in homogeneous groups. No statistically significant differences in the average achievements were found in the external assessment. On the contrary, in the internal assessment of knowledge the learners in homogenous groups on average had significantly higher achievements in comparison to the learners in heterogeneous groups. The analysis of covariance performed in homogenous and heterogeneous ability groups showed that the learners, who were placed in the lower or middle third after the initial examination in their school, in the final external examination progressed relatively better in heterogeneous groups. The learners who were placed in the upper third in their school according to their mathematics achievements showed no differences in this regard. The internal assessment of knowledge displayed that the learners who were placed in the middle or upper third in their school after the initial external examination, in the final examination progressed relatively better in homogenous groups. The learners who were placed in the lower third after the initial external examination in their school showed no differences in this regard.Predstavljamo istraživanje u kojem razmatramo razlikuju li se značajno učenici koji su imali nastavu matematike u devetom razredu osnovne Å”kole u heterogenim grupama po svojim postignućima, određenim vanjskim i internim vrednovanjem znanja, od učenika u homogenim grupama. Pri vanjskom vrednovanju nisu zabilježene statistički značajne razlike u slučaju prosječnih postignuća. No, interno je vrednovanje znanja učenika u homogenim grupama u prosjeku ukazalo na statistički značajno veća postignuća u usporedbi s učenicima u heterogenim grupama. Analiza kovarijance provedena po razinama za učenike u homogenim i heterogenim grupama pokazala je da su učenici koji su, poslije inicijalnog vrednovanja u svojim Å”kolama, naÅ”li mjesto u donjoj ili srednjoj trećini, relativno bolje napredovali u heterogenim grupama pri finalnom vanjskom vrednovanju. Učenici koji su se, prema uspjehu iz matematike, naÅ”li u gornjoj trećini u svojim Å”kolama, nisu pokazali nikakve razlike u tome smislu. Interno je vrednovanje znanja pokazalo da su učenici koji su se u svojim Å”kolama, poslije inicijalnog vanjskog vrednovanja, naÅ”li u srednjoj ili gornjoj trećini pri finalnom vrednovanju, relativno bolje napredovali u homogenim grupama. Učenici koji su pripadali donjoj trećini poslije inicijalnog vanjskog vrednovanja u svojim Å”kolama, nisu pokazali nikakve razlike u tome pogledu

    Students\u27 Social Behaviour in Relation to their Academic Achievement in Primary and Secondary School: Teacherā€™s Perspective

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    Social skills include different behaviours which help an individual enter and interact in interpersonal relations. On the other hand, these skills are also learnt through the very same experience. Social skills are an important factor of students\u27 acceptance and popularity among peers and also a factor of their academic achievement. In our research, we tried to establish how primary and secondary school teachers rate their students\u27 social skills; we explored gender differences in evaluated social skills and investigated relations between social skills and students\u27 academic achievement. 907 students participated in the study, of whom 470 were seventh-grade primary school students (231 boys and 239 girls), and 437 third-grade secondary school students (176 boys and 261 girls). Merrell\u27s School Social Behaviour Scales (1992) were used for the assessment of students\u27 social skills and homeroom teachers filled in the questionnaire for each participating student. Results showed that teachers assessed girls as socially more competent on all subscales regardless of their school level. Academic behaviour was the only subscale on which there were significant differences between primary and secondary school students, although girls scored higher again at both levels. Correlations between studentsā€™ social behaviours and their academic achievement were higher in boys and higher between socially desired behaviour and academic achievement compared to socially undesired behaviour. In the category of desired behaviour, self-management/compliance and academic behaviour were significant predictors of male and female students\u27 academic achievement. The strongest predictor of students\u27 academic achievement was their academic behaviour. Further on, we also discuss pedagogical implications of the study

    Pojmovanja znanja pri bodočih učiteljih

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    Conception of knowledge is becoming an important part of a teacher's professional image. In the beginning, the author defines four most frequent notions of quality knowledge: 1. acquiring knowledge, 2. understanding, 3. processed knowledge and 4. personality changes. In her survey, she has found out that 55% of future teachers at the beginning of their university studies had chosen the second category (understanding); at the end of studies 34% already claimed that this is processed knowledge, and only 5% chose the last category, namely personality changes. The author concludes with the suggestion that the first to ask themselves the above mentioned questions are the educators of future teachers.Avtorica ugotavlja, da postaja pojmovanje znanja pomemben del učiteljevega profesionalnega lika. V uvodu opredeli stiri najpogostejsa pojmovanja kakovostnega znanja: 1. pridobivanje znanja, 2. razumevanje, 3. predelano znanje in 4. osebnostno spreminjanje. V raziskavi je ugotovila, da se je 55 odstotkov bodocih uciteljev na zacetku studija opredelilo za drugo kategorijo, torej razumevanje, na koncu studija pa jih je se 34 odstotkov trdilo, da je to predelano znanje, le 5 odstotkov pa se je opredelilo za zadnjo kategorijo, to je osebnostno spreminjanje. Na koncu predlaga, da bi se morali o tern, kako pojmujemo znanje, najprej vprasati tisti, ki izobrazujejo bodoce učitelje
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